A good massage room is essential to setting the stage for a good massage. It gives a strong impression of what to expect from the massage.
Many people don’t understand the planning that goes into designing a massage room. From the size of the massage table to the smell, there are many things to consider when designing a massage room.
Here are eight factors that go into designing a massage room.
Physical space
Physical space plays an important role in a massage room. Ideally, you don’t want to work in a small or enclosed space. The more room you have to work with, the better. However, you don’t want a giant massage room. Somewhere in the middle is the way to go.
You should have enough space to accommodate a massage table, a sink, a counter, cabinets, and room for additional seating. You also want enough room so the doors can comfortably open.
You want to have enough room for a changing area. It doesn’t have to be too big. You can use a curtain to section it off.
Doors and walls
The doors and walls are some of the essential components of a room. These shouldn’t be overlooked.
The door will be one of the first things a client may notice. It should be easy to open and painted in warm and inviting colors. Signs or lights to designate that the massage room is in use are important. You can also add some décor, like a sign with a positive message, to give it some flavor.
The walls should also be painted in warm colors. Earth colors like white or beige are safe choices. The walls should have some decorum, but not to the point where it feels overstuffed.
Flooring and ceiling
The ceilings don’t have to be super fancy, but you still want to give them some attention. After all, clients will stare at it for some time during the massage. Painting the ceiling in warm colors is advised. You could also add a draping fabric or a chandelier to give it more style.
Wood or vinyl tile flooring is preferred. If you have hard flooring like tile or marble, you can try softening them with a carpet or a rug.
Massage table
A good massage table is critical when designing a massage room. Your standard massage table will be around 30 inches wide and 72 inches long. Some tables have extensions, adjustable parts, or storage space underneath. Some people also get larger tables to accommodate taller massage clients.
When positioning the massage table, you want to place it in an area that allows you to move around it easily. This typically means avoiding corner spots. You need at least three to four feet of open space around the massage table so you can work on clients.
The lighting in a massage room is important in setting the mood. You don’t want a massage room that is too bright, but you also don’t want one that is too dark. This is why you want to design the room, so you can control how much light is in it.
Some massage rooms will include windows with either blinds or curtains to filter natural light from the outdoors. It’s also common to see more than one light source in any given massage room, and you might see some rooms have lamps, candles, or ceiling lights.
Sound is not a factor you can have complete control over. For instance, you can’t really stop loud construction work next door or loud cars driving outside your building. However, there are some ways you can do to reduce the amount of outside noise.
Having décor, furniture, and other items will help reduce the sounds of outside noise. You can get rugs, which help reduce sounds from below you. You can also get a sound machine to filter out some of the outside noise.
Some massage rooms will have a sound system or music player to play soft music. Music playing in the background can be relaxing and help reduce other noise.
You want your massage room to smell nice. How you achieve that will vary. Some people use scented candles, a diffuser, essential oils, or fresh flowers.
You want scents that can help people relax. Some popular ones include lavender, bergamot, and eucalyptus. You should be mindful of the scents. Having the smells be too overbearing can detract from the massage experience.
Adding décor in a massage room comes down to what you think looks and feels right. A general guideline is to add things to help people relax and not have too much clutter. Beyond that, it’s up to you, and this is where you can really get creative.
Some common items people include are plants, a small fountain, mirrors, candles, artwork, bowls, and small sculptures. It helps to choose items with a “natural” look. This might mean you avoid items that are metal and opt for ones that are wood.
It helps to have a theme with your décor. It can be distracting and sour the mood if you just add stuff randomly.
Other things to keep in mind
As much as you should focus on practicality, you must also focus on style and harmony. Striking a balance between having everything work and look good is key.
You want to be consistent with your aesthetics. For example, if you’re going for a woodland aesthetic, you want to avoid mixing it with a tropical one.
Finally, cleanliness and keeping things organized are an absolute must. You should ensure everything looks good before you start a session.
Designing a good massage room can be challenging but also a lot of fun. And hey, maybe you got some massage room design ideas from this post. The more thought and planning you put into it, the better it will turn out.