How To Stay Sane During This Stay At Home Order >>

covid baby meme

This stay at home order has had the unintended consequence of causing mental issues for many people. Dealing with the kids, having nowhere to escape, and having no excuse to see your mistress or side boyfriend, has caused some of us to get a little wonky. At the Happy Head, we love seeing your smiling […]

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Can Massage Therapy Help A Pinched Nerve? >>

massage therapy for a pinched nerve

Are you experiencing that nagging numbness and pain down your arm or leg? A pinched nerve can happen to anyone and there are many causes. Sometimes it is caused by some sort of predisposed genetics. Another cause can be from overstress or overuse of some of the muscles in the body. According to Angela Smith, […]

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Trouble With Addiction? Make Massage Therapy Your Rehab. >>

massage therapy help addiction

The rehab process for alcohol and drug abusers can be a very tough process for most people. The steps required can seem very demanding and can be highly stressful for someone with dependency to drugs. Whether their approach is a 12 step program or incorporating diet and exercise to a patient’s routine, the patient is […]

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Suffering From Pain? Here’s A Quick Fix! >>

Promotional flyer for Happy Head Massage in San Diego offering CryoDerm® pain-relieving gel as an add-on to massages, highlighting benefits for muscle pain, joint pain, and inflammation.

Are you suffering from pain? You can now add Cryoderm® Pain Relieving gel to any massage at Happy Head Massage for immediate deep penetrating pain relief. When combined in conjunction with your massage, cryotherapy and heat relieving products provide fast acting, deep penetrating, long lasting pain relief. For only $10, you can add this pain […]

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Learning to Live With Multiple Sclerosis >>

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disabling, uncontrollable, and unpredictable disease of the central nervous system. The disease causes disruption of the flow of information within the brain, as well as the flow between the brain and the body. The true cause of MS is still unknown. Although, there are many beliefs’ on what the cause […]

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