Alternative Treatment For Mild To Moderate Depression >>

Depression is not an uncommon disorder. In fact it is so common, that some people actually suffer from mild to moderate depression without even knowing it. The DSM V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) criteria for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) includes: depressed mood or loss of interest in daily activities for more than […]

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Eliminating PMS Pain With Massage Therapy >>

Most women know the feeling of being crabby and bloated. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) pain makes you just want to curl up in a little ball all day. That feeling of PMS can change your whole personality. PMS Is a combination of physical and emotional symptoms that most women experience during the week prior to menstruation. […]

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Arthritis Sufferers Turn To Massage Therapy For Relief >>

Skilled therapist providing a four-hand foot reflexology massage at Happy Head Massage in San Diego, focusing on relieving stress and improving circulation through traditional techniques.

Arthritis can be a debilitating disease and living with arthritis is quite painful. It is one of the leading causes for disability. Over 70 million people are living and dealing with Arthritis pain. Arthritis is an inflammation in the joints. The most common symptoms are stiffness, pain, and lack in range or motion. Arthritis can […]

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Massage For Allergies? Don’t Sneeze At This Idea. >>

During allergy season many people choose to turn to the pharmaceutical industry for help. But the truth of the matter is that’s not always the best and healthiest option. There are many options for people that are looking to tame their allergies without using chemical filled medicines. Many holistic doctors will recommend using herbs, teas, […]

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The Benefits Of Massage For Cancer Patients >>

Receiving massage on a regular basis is great for people in good health. However, massage can also be beneficial for those with more serious illnesses. Studies have shown that cancer patients receiving regular massage have decreased levels of stress, anxiety, depression, pain and fatigue during their treatment. While massage is not considered treatment on its […]

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