Rebalancing Chakras through Massage Therapy >>

Chakras are believed to be forces of energy that flow through the subtle body. The subtle body is believed to be the soul or spirit that lies over the physical body. Chakras correspond to seven major organs and systems in the physical and subtle bodies. When the energy flow of a chakra becomes impaired in […]

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Feeling Down? Consider A Massage For Depression >>

Massage therapy helps with many things, but did you know it may help with depression? Depression is often called a mental illness that entails an overwhelming sense of sadness, loss and hopelessness. Depression is usually caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Did you know that massage for depression can help release serotonin […]

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Knot Knot. Who’s There? Back Pain. >>

Almost everyone has experienced back pain or neck pain at least once in their lifetime. Stress, over-working a muscle and sometimes just a weird sleeping position can all create knots and pain in your back and neck. You may be wondering how you can get rid of these uncomfortable knots, and how do you prevent […]

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Massage May Help Combat Arthritis Pain >>

Many Americans over the past few years have been diagnosed with some form of arthritis. Arthritis means joint inflammation. A joint or multiple joints become inflamed and it puts the individual in a great deal of pain. There are different types of arthritis and all range in severity that may affect joints, tissue around the […]

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