Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Those Painful Knots >>

Tight Muscles are often the source of pain. Muscle tension can cause headaches, back pain, stress and much more. An over the counter pain reliever may help the symptoms temporarily subside, but eradicating the source of the pain is the best approach for long term relief. Trying to get rid of muscle knots can take […]

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Bruising From a Massage? >>

brusing after massage

Many times people ask questions like, “Should I feel pain/soreness after my massage?” or “Is it normal to have bruises the next day after being massaged?” And depending on the person asked there are many mixed answers to those questions. Some people may answer with, “You should never feel any pain from a massage!” or […]

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Massage Therapy Helps With Much More Than Just Tension >>

Massage therapy has been proven to help combat and relieve some of the symptoms caused by different ailments. Many know about the benefits of massage therapy for symptoms such as migraines, anxiety, depression and insomnia, but there are many more ailments that can be helped significantly by massage therapy. Customers suffering from Carpal Tunnel, Varicose […]

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Massage Addiction Got You Hooked? >>

Why is it that massages are so addicting? Have you gotten hooked on a massage addiction? Getting a massage feels amazing. Reality is, you begin feeling better before the therapist even enters the room. You’re in a dark, quiet space surrounded by calming music and soothing scents. The warm sheets feel soft on your bare […]

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Which Massage Technique Best Fits Your Needs? >>

Still don’t know if you’re giving your body what it’s asking for? We have composed a brief explanation of the different massage techniques and styles of massage that we offer here at Happy Head in order to give you a better understanding of each session and to help you give your body exactly what it […]

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