What to Do and Not Do After Getting a Deep Tissue Massage >>

Man getting a deep tissue massage on a massage table

A deep tissue massage can provide many benefits. For example, it’s a great opportunity to rid of muscle spasms, alleviate back and neck pain, and relieve stress. While getting a deep tissue massage is one thing, there are some precautions you need to take after you get a deep tissue massage. There are several dos […]

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5 Reasons You Should Consider Getting a Massage for Neck Pain Relief >>

Man sitting at desk grabbing his neck

Neck pain can be tough to deal with. It can periodically cause you discomfort throughout the day and leave you more frustrated than not. Dealing with this discomfort isn’t easy. Some people will try using medication to address the pain, while others might resort to expensive surgeries. While these solutions might work for some, for […]

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Finding the Magic Number: How Often Should You Get a Massage? >>

Hands counting numbers from 1 to 5

How often should you get a massage? It’s a question that plagues many people who are seeking the health and wellness benefits of massage therapy. It can be tricky to figure out the magic number of times you should get a massage. Unfortunately, in most circumstances, there isn’t a clear number. However, there are some situations […]

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Why a Massage Can Help With Stress Relief >>

Woman sitting in chair with neck pain from stress

We all have stress we have to deal with, right? It’s hard to go day by day without feeling some stress, but when you have too much of it, it can wear you down. It can cause neck pain, headaches, tension in your shoulders, and more serious issues like high blood pressure. When you’re dealing […]

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Does a Deep Tissue Massage Hurt? >>

A woman on a massage table feeling some pain during a deep tissue massage.

People often wonder “does a deep tissue massage hurt?” People aren’t sure if they are supposed to feel pain from intense massage treatments, like a deep tissue massage. In short, the answer is a conditional “yes.” You’re bound to feel some soreness, pain, and maybe mild bruising, but not to the point you are experiencing […]

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