There’s a dirty little secret that many of those twenty dollar massage parlors hope you never find out. The secret is pretty simple if you ask yourself one question: “How do they charge only twenty bucks for a massage and still stay in business?” Think about this one but don’t strain yourself, the answer is pretty simple. Assuming that these massage parlors are legit and pay their therapists at least minimum wage (and even that is probably a stretch), fees for workers’ comp insurance, taxes, overhead, and well, you get the point. It is just about impossible to run a legitimate service business when the cost to run it exceeds more than the actual fee. So how do many of these establishments make up for the loss and turn a profit? Let your imagination run wild or just check out this 7 News Story.
According to 7 News San Diego, recent investigations have found that some massage parlors are fronts for prostitution and sex trafficking. Many of these massage parlors were also running without business licenses and proper health permits. At least 3 massage parlors in National City now display a closed sign since the discovery of alleged prostitution and human trafficking. Most likely, this will be just the beginning of an ongoing investigation. This is all part of a joint investigation with homeland security, the San Diego police department, and the city attorneys office. Unfortunately this is an ongoing issue as once they are caught, they will usually pack up, close shop, and open elsewhere.
This is a serious issue that has dangerous consequences to not only the victims being trafficked, but also to the community at large. I know the Happy Head is a funny name, but one of the reasons why we gave our massage establishment that name was to shine a light on this issue. If we were given a nickel for every time someone called in asking for a happy ending…well…let’s just say we’d end up with a hefty bag of nickels.
The next time you consider going to those tweny dolla holla massage parlors, please consider the consequences of not just for yourself, but the person doing the massage. Those are real people who may be stuck in a position that they feel they cannot get out of. There are plenty of legitimate massage parlors in San Diego that will offer you professional service and reasonable prices.
Make Massage Great Again!
That’s just my two cents that I got from my big bag of coins.