There are many options you have when you’re deciding on what kind of massage you should get. Funny enough, some might say there are too many options.
Having so many massage options isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Plenty of options means there are tons of new massages to try. However, this can be a problem if you’re unsure about what type of massage will be best for you.
When deciding what kind of massage you should get, you should consider why you would want a massage in the first place and some of your circumstances. Let’s look at a few common situations someone might seek out a massage and some good recommendations.
Newcomers would refer to people who have had one or never had a professional massage. Getting your first massage can often be intimidating, and you might not know what to expect.
Your best option is to go with a Swedish massage. Often called the classic massage, a Swedish massage is good for newcomers because it offers a lot of general benefits massages are known for (relaxation, pain relief, improved blood circulation, etc.), and the pressure level isn’t too bad. Swedish massages are also what many massage therapists are most familiar with, so it’s easier for them to give a good massage experience.
It also helps if you know what you want from your massage. For instance, some people might have a certain goal, like addressing neck pain, or they simply want to relax. In those cases, you should research what massages can help you achieve your specific goals.
Stress Relief
Stress relief is a common reason people seek out a massage, and for a good reason. Massages for stress relief can help your body produce feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine, which help with relaxation.
A Swedish massage is the general go-to if you’re looking to get a massage for stress relief. Swedish massages promote relaxation by increasing blood circulation and oxygen throughout the body.
Another option people might not immediately consider is getting an Asian-style body and foot massage. This massage is unique in its approach by targeting the feet first and then moving on to the rest of the body.
Special circumstances
There can be numerous special circumstances or situations where someone might seek a massage. These types of massages aren’t necessarily designed for everyone.
For example, you might struggle with back pain or stress if you’re pregnant. In that case, a prenatal massage would be helpful. Prenatal massages can relieve many discomforts during pregnancy and can potentially help condition the body for better delivery.
You might also be seeking a massage to spend quality time with someone you like. In that case, you might seek out a couple’s massage. In a couple’s massage, you generally have the freedom to choose what massage you want (It could be a deep tissue massage or an Asian-Style body and foot massage), and the main difference is that two people will be massaged at the same time instead of one.
Pain Relief
Pain relief is another common reason people seek out getting a massage. Some common body pain areas include the neck, back, feet, head, and muscles.
Once again, a Swedish massage is a great option. During a Swedish massage, muscles are kneaded and rolled, which can help release tension and alleviate pain.
Another great option is a deep tissue massage, which helps relieve chronic muscle tension and reduce inflammation. Although a deep tissue massage might cause discomfort, it does a good job of releasing tension in deeper areas of the body.
Out of the Ordinary
Some people might seek a massage that’s out of the ordinary. These types of massages aren’t something you traditionally see offered and have a unique draw to them. Some can be pretty strange too.
One type of massage to consider is an Asian Fusion massage. This massage mixes Western-style massages (Deep tissue and Swedish) and Eastern-style massages (Asian-style Reflexology and Thai). It combines the best elements of each massage and offers an unforgettable experience.
On the weirder side of massages, there is a cactus massage. It might sound uncomfortable, but a cactus massage can be a pleasant experience. Cactus paddles (thorns removed) are heated in warm water until they’re soft. They are then cut in half, and the gooey side is massaged onto the body.
Final thoughts
These are just a few scenarios where someone might try deciding what kind of massage to get. The better idea you have on what you want from a massage, the easier time you’ll have picking one that’s right for you.
At Happy Head Massage, we offer a variety of massages at our many locations. You can book a massage appointment online today now or give us a call at one of our locations.