
news from happy head

At Happy Head, we believe massage is more than a relaxing pass-time, and we’d like to share with you the many reasons why. Amongst our great resource articles, you’ll be sure to find a wealth of information about all types of massage techniques and the many benefits of each. Also, find tips, gift ideas, and more!

Simple Steps To Improve Your Posture And Get Rid Of Back Pain >>

Back pain, neck pain, and headaches are all becoming more and more of a common problem. This is especially common among those who work in office jobs. Hunching over a computer all day, looking at your phone while you are walking, and sleeping in the wrong position can create a lot of tension in your […]

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What To Expect During Your First Massage >>

Massage can be intimidating to try the very first time. To people who haven’t experienced it before, it seems unusual to undress and lie on a table and let someone come in the room and put their hands on you. The first massage can be daunting and it’s to know what to expect during your […]

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Lube Up Before Your Massage >>

As we all know, it is important to keep your body hydrated with water. But many people overlook the benefits of keeping your body extra hydrated, especially if they are going to get a massage. Lack of water in your body creates your blood to become thick which makes it harder for a massage therapist […]

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Knot Knot. Who’s There? Back Pain. >>

Almost everyone has experienced back pain or neck pain at least once in their lifetime. Stress, over-working a muscle and sometimes just a weird sleeping position can all create knots and pain in your back and neck. You may be wondering how you can get rid of these uncomfortable knots, and how do you prevent […]

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