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Open. Closed. Open. Closed. Which Is It?

Category: News
Illustration of a young boy with a confused expression, shrugging his shoulders with question marks above his head. He is wearing a blue shirt, white t-shirt, dark pants, and red shoes.

What are we…that janky garage door that can’t figure out which direction to go?

We’re a massage business. We’re in the business of providing you stress relief, pain relief, and relaxation.

New health restrictions took effect Monday, December 7th 2020 in San Diego County and the rest of Southern California, shutting down indoor service at restaurants among other closures, due to the rapidly increasing number of coronavirus hospitalizations. The stay-at-home order will be in place for three weeks.

Under the new health restriction, personal care services including massage will be closed for three weeks. AGAIN.

Look, you’ve already gotten the COVID email blasts from brands you never even knew cared about you or that place you visited once five years ago. The bottom line is we’re all confused and we all want you back. Small businesses don’t know which direction to take with Governor Newsom implementing impossible restrictions on our livelihood while he dines socially-undistanced and mask-free at a Michelin restaurant. San Diego Police don’t care to enforce these restrictions on small businesses because what the heck? How does Walmart with all their foot traffic stay open, but a small restaurant and retail who have stronger control over COVID-prevention and their individual locations are strung out and left to dry. They even got Chipotle to start a line of beanies and loungewear retail. (You’re welcome Chipotle for the additional marketing free-of-charge)

Does that even make sense?! But hey, we’re all struggling out here. We’re thinking of changing our name to Hapless Head Massage. We’re kidding.

We know it feels like things are changing every day, but rest assured, one thing remains the same. We want to continue bringing our loyal happy heads the pain reduction and stress relief during this unpredictable year. We take hygiene and safety very seriously. We always have. And your well-being has always been priority #1.

Happy Head Massage @ Sports Arena/Point Loma is open for Chiropractic Care which is deemed an essential health service. Under the supervision of our licensed Chiropractor, we are also able to continue offering our loyal Happy Heads great, affordable massage.

We are for freedom of choice. We promise we’re doing everything to keep you safe. The point is, the choice is up to you.

We’ll keep you posted on the re-opening of our opening’s re-opening of the rest of our 6 locations. In the meantime, feel free to get your massage and/or chiropractic care at our Sports Arena location.

Miss You,

The Happy Head

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