How long is the massage session? While the question seems simple, the answer can get pretty complicated. You’d think when paying for a one hour massage session you’d receive 60 minutes of massage, however, it seems that they may not be the case every time.
Reading the fine print is something that you’d have to face when signing a contract to buy a car. It’s not something that should arise when getting a massage. Lately more and more massage establishments are getting away with giving their customers less than what they paid for. The customer pays for a one hour massage, but the definition of the one hour massage lately seems to be one hour of service that may or may not include massage. Many massage franchises are including the following into their fine print: A one hour session is composed of a 50 minute massage, 5 minutes to consult with your therapist and 5 minutes to undress/redress.
Without going into whether they may or may not be cheating the customer, you be the judge. A one hour massage seems to have a very different meaning than it used to. One hour is starting to include a lot of things that don’t involve massage. Here’s a long list of ways that your “discounted” massage turns into a way to cut corners and increase profit:
- 60 minute massage may actually mean 50 minutes of actual massage.
- Up to 10 minutes of dressing and undressing counts counts towards the time of your massage.
- Want to ask a question? That may count towards your time as well.
- A membership is required to get a discount.
- Your monthly fees must be automatically charged whether you get a massage or not.
- You get stuck listening to a sales presentation prior to your massage to ensure that you get sold a membership.
- Non-member pricing is higher than regular pricing.
- Contracts have cancellation fees.
This list above is what drove Happy Head Massage to strive to change the industry. They felt it was time to say goodbye to 50 minute massages. 60 minutes means 60 minutes of hands-on massage. At the Happy Head, there are no memberships, no contracts, and no sales. You are never pressured to buy or sign up for anything. And forget specials and introductory offers. The price is same whether it’s your first visit, or your 21st visit. Make massage great again by ensuring that you always get a great massage without the spa price.