Most people don’t know what to expect when they book their first massage. There is nothing to be afraid of. Your massages will either take place in one of our private rooms or our community style room (you are fully clothed in this room). The lights will be dimmed and we play some mellow music to help relax you.
Once shown into your appropriate room, you will have a few minutes to undress. Customers are encouraged to dress down to their own comfort level. You are always covered with a sheet during the massage and the therapist is only going to uncover the area being worked on.
One thing to keep in mind during the massage is you do not have to stay completely silent the entire time. If the therapist is not using the pressure you would like, customers are encouraged to speak up and let the therapist know. This way, you are getting the massage you want instead of sitting through a massage you do not enjoy. The therapists will not be offended or discouraged; they understand no two massages will be the same and each person’s needs will be different.
The therapist will let you know when the massage is finished. They will then exit the room to allow you to re-dress and situate yourself. After your massage it is important to drink lots of water to help flush out the toxins released from your muscles.
The best way to alleviate muscle aches and pain is to receive massages regularly. Remember, each massages can be customized to each person’s needs. After your first massage, knowing exactly what you want for your next session will be very easy.