This time of year is oftentimes stressful, and “taxing” on our overall health-no pun intended. Whether your ailment is emotional or physical, all types of pain negatively affect a person’s lifestyle and overall well-being. Additionally, it can make it even more difficult to bounce back from setbacks like straining a muscle, stress from paying those dreadful taxes, or even just having a rough day at work.
Incorporating massage therapy into your weekly routine is becoming more and more popular because of the numerous benefits it brings into all types of lifestyles. In a study titled “Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice”, multiple doctors across the US have supported findings that prove just how valuable massage can be. Massage is a natural pain management strategy for even the worst medical conditions, including metastatic cancer, and the extremely painful rheumatoid arthritis.
The Clinical Practice ‘s study showed that adults with rheumatoid arthritis tended to feel a decrease in pain, as well as greater grip strength and range of motion in wrists and large upper joints after receiving regular moderate-pressure massages during a four-week period. Similarly, massage therapy has shown befits to patients recovering from cardiac surgery pain, due to the increase in circulation in the chest area, as well as promoting a better night’s sleep. The American Medical Association acknowledges that cardiac surgery recovery is a very crucial time a patient must endure and this study further suggests that massage therapy can be a useful aid in making the road to recovery an easier journey.
Even if you are lucky enough to be free of major health problems, you are still a very qualified candidate for incorporating regular massage therapy into your routine. Massage has shown to improve the overall well-being of people across the board. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery indicates that “massage therapy can significantly reduce pain, anxiety and muscular tension, as well as enhance relaxation and satisfaction after cardiac surgery”.
Do you really need another reason to start visiting your local Happy Head more regularly? Well, if you happen to be the one person who does need one more push, Tuesdays are their “Double Stamp Tuesdays”, where you can join their loyalty program and earn your free massage in no time.